JQL defines several constants with bucket specs for widely used time bucket boundaries, when applied to milliseconds since Unix epoch. Malfunctions covered after the manufacturer's warranty.

The API has a 5GB limit on data that it can query, and a 2GB limit on the resulting output. JQL can be executed via an HTTP endpoint, with JQL query provided in a body of a POST request. Bonemeal-ing any flower gives you the generic dandelion and poppy flower. 4_1 Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. Your Cloud experience deserves to be exceptionally safe and reliable. We'll include sample output, but you should try running the queries yourself. Run JQL commands from Slack Currently the best I can do with JQL is "status WAS IN ("In Progress") AFTER startOfDay(-1)", which does not work on a Monday because the last working day was 3 days ago. ?) in a time period by a group of people. org Port Added: 00:12:59 Last Update: 22:14:02 Commit Hash: d427e8c License: MIT Description: A JSON Query Language CLI tool built with Rust. I therefore want a "startOfLastWorkingDay()" function to return the start of the last working day. There are several reasons you would want to switch to the advanced search mode: 1. The custom fields ending with date are native Jira dates and comparable to other dates and therefor most useful in JQLs.

IK JQL doesn’t currently have a SUM function, so I’m looked up SCRIPTRUNNER, and found this.